Is Low Power FM (LPFM) Dead?
From the folks at DIYmedia: LPFM: Thanks For The Memories? Much was made last year of the Local Community Radio Act's passage in the House of Representatives. But since then, no news: what's going on ? As you may have heard, most of the telecom-policy wonk-world is all agog with the FCC's promulgation of a National Broadband Plan . Some have felt, since Chairman Julius Jenachowski took the helm of the agency, that he'd be much more focused on "new" media than "old." This seems to be playing itself out to some degree. However, to its credit, the FCC's hands are tied until Congress approves the Local Community Radio Act. This may be a bit more challenging than first thought; one report says a provision has been added to the Senate's version of the bill which would repeal (see bill version #2) the " Rosa Parks provision " of current LPFM rules - giving unlicensed broadcasters a shot at legitimacy provided they voluntar...